Opinion Line | | huntingdondailynews.com

2022-10-15 13:47:07 By : Mr. Andy Chong

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Huntingdon — I’d like to say a bizarre “thanks” to the hate group from Tennessee that came to Oktober Fest. You helped us to remember who we are: our children stood up to you all on their own and told you that hate is not welcome in our town. The adults remembered that, despite our differences, we have each other’s backs and support our children. Our children learned they can use their voices to fight hate, and you made us feel more united than we have in a long time. Don’t get me wrong, you’re not welcome here, don’t return. But I hope you know that your hatred did not work: it just brought out love.

Huntingdon — Thank you, President Biden and Democrats, for reducing Medicare premiums for 2023, also thank you that we will not have to pay more than $35 monthly for our insulin. Thank you for doing what you can for seniors and everyday people. Thank you for trying to help those with student loan payments bigger than their paycheck. Many are still in their 50s trying to pay off that debt. Also, so glad there are jobs available for anyone who wants one. It is a tough job being a president in a nation where everyone criticizes everything you try to do. People have no idea what it’s like to have the burden of a nation on your back. The Bible tells us mercy will be shown to those who show mercy to others. We are to respect our president even if we don’t agree with everything his party does.

Huntingdon — Regarding the Oct. 7 Opinion Line submission: The IRS has lost one-third of its personnel over the last 25 years while the U.S. population has grown by one-quarter. No one likes paying taxes, of course, but good citizens realize that taxes are necessary and try to pay their fair share. Tax cheats do not. I want the IRS to have the personnel and budget to catch these tax cheats. I’d also like the tax code reform to be more fair to lower and middle class wage earners, but I doubt that will happen without better state and federal representatives. I’m not holding my breath for that to happen anytime soon.

Walker Twp. — If you Democrats stop being middle of the road, maybe things will change. If some of you still believe in the work ethic, traditional values, you believe in life and not aborting babies, get out and join the Republicans. If you won’t man up and praise communism as the new way, then leave the party. If you won’t man up and praise Hitler and the Nazis, then leave. If you won’t man up and disarm the American people like Hitler did to the Jews, then get out of the Democratic Party. Just like the caller from Alexandria said about locking Trump and family up, we will lock you the people up. Don’t think you middle of the road Democrats stand a chance when we stick the feds on you. Just as what’s happened to Trump, the same can be done to Christians and conservatives.

Huntingdon — So, turkeys are going to be high priced this Thanksgiving. Problem solved — eat steak.

Huntingdon — The Daily News deserves thanks and appreciation for the always interesting and informative Letters to the Editor and the recent Op-Eds about the value of our local newspapers!

Huntingdon — Following the protest at Oktober Fest, I’m worried about our LGBTQ+ folks in Huntingdon. Tuesday was National Coming Out Day. I want our LGBTQ community members to know that there is a mighty majority of us who love you, support you and want you to feel safe. I wish you peace and connection. Love wins!

Huntingdon — Ladies, ladies, ladies, the next time you three go to a local restaurant and talk about me, please make sure you know who is sitting around you or who is watching you. News travels fast, especially gossip. If you have something to say, tell me directly. Have some backbone, or are you all spineless gossipers? Remember, like the saying goes the wall have ears.

Huntingdon — There’re ads on TV from Oz saying that Fetterman has been sued in court about 70 times for tax issues. It’s lies. Fetterman’s been to court about 70 times to get abandoned properties in the town he was mayor in back on the tax rolls and occupied by families. He needed to get back taxes forgiven. After that, he and volunteers from the community would fix the houses, bring them up to code and make them available to people, including the elderly. So, which would you prefer to have next to your house, an abandoned property overrun with rats, mice and other critters, or someone’s grandmother doing gardening and baking cookies? If Oz is willing to lie like this, what else will he lie about? Remember that Oz is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Miller Twp. — I’m looking forward to voting for Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman, two outstanding candidates who really care about Pennsylvania. Shapiro will make a great governor and Fetterman will be a terrific senator.

Mount Union — These local organizations that keep having fundraisers for events, tournaments and games that never take place or aren’t played should be required to refund those who participated. Where is all the money going from all of these repeated fundraisers with no events being held? Surely this is a form of fraud, but it definitely feels like a scam to those participating and needs to be reported! People will pocket and use their money for their own personal gain now more than ever. What a world we’re living in!

Wayne Twp. — On a cold winter afternoon in the early 1970s when the gender police were just beginning to abuse the English language, I stepped indoors in my parka and was mildly amused to hear my National Merit Scholar friend declare, “You look like the Abominable Snowperson.” Fifty years later, the United States Air Force Academy is now instructing cadets to use words that “include all genders” and to refrain from saying things like “mom,” “dad,” “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” I am not amused that lunacy has infiltrated our military. Try to find a Democrat in Washington who is willing to speak out against this outrage or the dozens of other outrages perpetrated by the corrupt occupant of the White House, the unelected individuals pulling his strings, and the media who campaign for him and harass his opposition. I suggest a moratorium on voting for any Democrats until they come to their senses.

Huntingdon — Moving into an apartment complex, large or small, is a different experience from living in your own home. You become part of a large group of people living close together. You must remember things like sharing and obeying the rules. If you do not want to associate with other people, maybe you made a mistake moving into an apartment complex. There will be some noise at times. Please don’t run to the manager. Give people a chance. Just maybe, you should consider a nursing home more to your style of living. Let’s all get along and try and be happy or move.

Alexandria — A few days ago, I witnessed a van going down Main Street about 40mph, never stopped at the stop sign at Main and Bridge streets. Luckily, no one was coming any other direction. I hope and pray something gets done about this before anyone’s blood is on the roadways. Other stop signs are being run through also.

Altoona — We need a legislator in Harrisburg with strong personal values. Someone who was raised in a small business, blue-collar family that valued hard work, personal integrity and believed in paying employees even during tough times. Someone with the determination and grit to put herself through school. Someone whose values lead them to choose people-centered professions that require compassion, empathy and a focus on helping others achieve their best selves. Carol Taylor will take her values—our values—to Harrisburg. The constituents of Senate District 30 deserve a representative like Carol Taylor who will not shy from regularly engaging in public forums. She’s an experienced communicator and problem-solver who listens closely to us. She understands what ranks high in our priorities — the protection of our reproductive and voting rights, affordable health care and a decent living wage. Cast your vote for a senator worthy of your trust. Vote for Carol Taylor.

Huntingdon — This week’s case before the U.S. Supreme Court is not about abortion, religious freedom or gun rights, but whether farm animals are entitled to life before death. The meat industry is challenging California’s 2018 law requiring minimal space and health standards for the animals. As millions of male baby chicks are hatched, they are ground up or suffocated, because they don’t lay eggs. Groups of females are crammed into small wire cages that tear out their feathers and cut their feet. Their beaks are cut off. Mother pigs suffer for a lifetime in tight metal gestation stalls. Their babies are torn away shortly after birth, mutilated without anesthesia, crammed into crowded pens for six months, then slaughtered in the dawn of their lives. Dairy cows spend their lives chained on a concrete floor, and have their milk sucked out of them by machines twice a day.

Mount Union — Karma going to hit some of ya’ll real hard. We’re all here for it when it finally catches up to you and we will be watching.

Saxton — Thank you to the man who found my Medicare and insurance cards and turned them into the service desk at Walmart. May God bless you. You are proof that there are angels among us.

West Twp. — Beware of trespassing thieves on your property stealing game cams and tree stands — often wears Bigfoot mask and drives around after dark with no headlights.

Orbisonia — Imagine hitching your party’s wagon to a twice impeached grifter who presided over the largest mid-term defeat in history, who lost the House and Senate, then went on to lose the presidency. Oh yeah, twice lost the popular vote. Then, when he leaves, he takes classified documents as if they were his own personal property. Republican candidates will say or do anything to protect this loser by repeating the same lies, even at the cost of losing our democracy. If you don’t think we’re losing our democracy, you’re not paying attention. Wake up, people.

Huntingdon — Have to agree with one of last week’s opinion. Nick’s Diner on 22 is a great and friendly place to enjoy a meal. Omelets are really good. Made with real eggs. In-house-made spaghetti sauce. Cheesecake made there. Everything’s yummy.

Hopewell — It looks like since Trump can’t be king of the United States, he’s trying to be king of QAnon. He is now lying about Bush. I have never seen so many lies from desperate Republicans trying to look good, only making them look crazy!

James Creek — This is information printed by the Associated Press Oct. 6, 2022. It detailed the work ethic of our current lieutenant governor, his work schedule was blank during roughly one-third of workdays from January 2019 to May 2022. He did not take an active role and seldom participated in the daily cabinet meetings, even though he was tapped to head a task force on disparities in the COVID-19 response. In 2021, his calendar showed 115 work days with no activities or events listed, including a period that stretched from the end of June to mid-September where the schedule was largely blank, listing a total of about 11 hours worked during that period. A working man like the rest of us? I think not!

Huntingdon — Would someone tell Dr. Oz that U.S. Senators do not have the power to increase taxes in the state they represent. His ads continually repeat that Fetterman will raise taxes for people making under $75,000. Not true. More scare tactics.

Tyrone — A person wrote the Opinion Line about the Pennsylvania State Police having a subdivision to mainly handle traffic control. They should be certified by the state as police officers for traffic control and making our highways safer. Watching out for speeders, running stop signs, following too closely, driving erratic, etc. This would free up our state police to do the job for which they are paid. Making sure the people in Pennsylvania are safe. Interstate Route 80 is listed as one of the worst interstate highways in America. We are also listed as one of the top states for traffic accidents in America. Neither is something we should be proud of. The traffic control unit would pay for itself and make Pennsylvania a safer place to live.

Mount Union — Big thanks to borough council for moving forward toward a comprehensive plan. Also, a thanks to the mayor for having the speed-tracking signs installed for the safety of our residents. The Bricktown Heart Walk was a wonderful display of community, bringing together donors, walkers and volunteers. One positive action at a time makes for change for the better.

Huntingdon — Dr. Oz is facing a class-action lawsuit over weight-loss pills that did not work. He sued his own sister for not paying rent on a luxury apartment in NYC. Dr. Oz’s lab at Columbia University was the scene of “highly invasive and stressful experiments” on dogs were performed without a “humane end point.” This resulted in the deaths of over 300 puppies, some of which were thrown away in garbage bags while still alive. He doesn’t care about his own family or even puppies. Why do you think he cares about you?

Calvin — It would be a public service if on the weekend of Nov. 12, after the mid-term election, all those expensive Mastriano wooden mini billboards could be recycled into dog houses, garden tractor sheds, and bird houses — a peaceful, constructive way to transition into the Shapiro administration.

Huntingdon Co. — Those of you struggling between Mastriano being extreme and Shapiro being dangerous with both running for governor, I understand the concern. So I started to research them. Immediately I noticed a lot of bashing on Mastriano and fewer details on Shapiro. After digging, I eventually noticed that Mastriano is a straight shooter and Shapiro has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ groups, labor unions, that comprise the Democratic coalition. There have been TV ads on Mastriano and his “personal” view on abortion. The political opposition is painting a different picture of what the law says. By law, a governor cannot dictate the details of an abortion but is left up to by the people to set guidelines through their legislators according to the Supreme Court ruling. Mastriano appears to be a strong leader which is needed to help clean up the corruption in Pennsylvania. Democrats have done enough damage.

Huntingdon Co. — The only way to hold corrupt liberal leaders and RINOs accountable is to go to election polls and restore the House and Senate with Republicans. Maybe then some of the sacred Democrats will work with Republicans, thus showing unity. Once overturned by votes, hypocrisy and corruption will then be dealt with and wrong will be made right. Law breakers will be held accountable. Head officials that have weaponized government agencies for political gain will be removed and put in jail. Corrupt judges and Soros DA’s will be disbarred. Our country will once again be united, schools restored from ideology, children protected, border secured, crime being severely dealt with and abuse of taxpayers money will stop. The Green New Deal will be stopped until better planned without economic and environmental repercussions. No party official is perfect, so it’s important to vote who best serves God and country, not politics or radicals.

Huntingdon Co. — Not long ago Kansas voters roundly defeated an attempt to amend their state constitution to limit abortion care. An amendment to Pennsylvania’s Constitution (Senate Bill 106) will appear on the spring ballot and includes a section that can limit choice drastically. Our state Sen. Judy Ward introduced this section of the amendment. Carol Taylor of Altoona is running against Ward on the November ballot. On the election after November there will be a yes or no question about adopting Senate Bill 106. Republican legislators used the amendment idea once before to avoid having their plans vetoed by the governor. Now they are trying it again.

McConnellstown — Republicans’ commercials are always harping about John Fetterman not paying his taxes. Folks, he did pay his taxes! Yes, they were late, but they got paid and were for properties being fixed up for disadvantaged people. Doesn’t make it right, but a little better. Besides, where was or is the outrage about Trump still not releasing his financial forms when we know he didn’t pay taxes for years and still hasn’t, based on the few records we’ve been able to get? Republicans looked the other way then.

Springfield Twp. — Think before you vote! Do you want a TV personality who really doesn’t live in or care about Pennsylvania? Do you want a Muslim? He owns spacious properties in New Jersey and Florida. Do you really believe he will work for us? What does he care about the state where we everyday residents live, work, shop, pay taxes and take care of children and family members. He should do what he does best—make TV appearances and hang around with his wealthy friends. Most importantly, he should stay out of Pennsylvania politics!

Barneytown — Dear contributor 17 in Saturday’s OL: kvetching that critics of Mr. Trump, “offer no details” about wanting him jailed: Trump stole documents that rightfully belong to the American people, refusing to surrender them to the National Archives and Records Administration. Instead of fantasizing about “corrupt liberal media,” and other right-wing hobgoblins, man up: Biden won the 2020 election by some 7 million votes, as verified by more than 60 failed court cases to the contrary, many adjudicated by Trump-appointed judges. His internet-available bombshell recorded call after the 2020 election to Brad Raffensburger, the Georgia Secretary of State and Conservative Republican, asking him to “... find 11,780 votes ...flipping the state is a great testament to our country,” was a mafioso-worthy criminal act. Sorry, 17, if Trump, whining, squeezes into a size 54 orange jumpsuit, he will have earned it himself.

Mapleton — Democrats just gotta lie and cheat. If Republicans were or are the bad guys, why are so many Democrats leaving Democrat-controlled states and moving to Republican-controlled states? Like Reagan’s puppies, some Democrats finally do open their eyes. Some are moving because they see the illegal immigrants may not get the vote, but they’ll be counted as population toward more Democrat representatives, thus reducing a citizen’s normal voting power. Then there’s the enlightened group. They finally realize Democrats started the Civil War to keep Blacks enslaved. Democrats opposed school segregation. Democrats oppose Blacks and Whites having choice of schools. Democrats are implementing China’s 44 goals to destroy our country and shut down our Christian churches. Democrats demand sexually abnormal people have more rights than normal people have, and they see Democrats having elected Biden and now running Fetterman as prove their Democrat leaders are daffy upstairs.

Porter Twp. — RICO Trump. Despite his father’s money, Trump’s life is just a third-rate Ponzi scheme. If you’re still buy’n, I’ve got some mountain ground in Florida, dirt cheap. Oz, something new? Another party line Republican like Toomey? Gimme a break. Make this the land of Oz and we’ll never get home. Mastriano’s offensive, disastrous, gestapo-style campaign is pathetic. Guy’s his own worst enemy. He has no place in politics, not in a free society, not in our society. He’s a dinosaur. This month, the GOP disinformation (lie) machine cranks up overtime. Dummy talk robo calls to pester us all. Nutcase tommy Tuberville and Trump flunk Pompeo are dreaming.

Mount Union — I’d like to thank the people who worked hard and finally fixed it after years and years and years and lot of damage to personal vehicles, that is the railroad crossing at the new wall on Division Street. Before winter, maybe they can get together and do the one over on the railroad crossing coming from Kistler going to Rite-Aid, up past Smokey’s Beauty Shop. Boy, wouldn’t that be a nice holiday Christmas gift to Mount Union? Thank you again for doing this.

Miller Twp. — I have been a Democrat for three quarters of a century. No more. Biden has made me choose between heat my home with fuel oil or buy food. Biden spends my tax money on people who choose to illegally enter my country. He sends billions to the Ukraine who factually killed 100,000 of my Jewish relatives during World War II. And for Fetterman, having grown up in Braddock, I have seen how he destroyed the city. If you don’t believe me, go to Braddock and see for yourself. From our pride in slavery, segregation, hate and lies, it’s a Democratic Party we need to remove from the public square.

Mill Creek — Well, evidently the rumors about Meghan being popular on Epstein island must be true because rumors are following up saying there’s a bidding war as to who may show it or who may not want it shown. So maybe they’ll be even more interesting things coming up on her podcast literally.

Huntingdon — We need to face the fact and this is the truth. At the insurrection Jan. 6, people were interviewed. They said they were Christians, they were Christians and they went to this insurrection. They beat people, they sprayed them with bear spray and all sorts of chemicals. They threatened to hang the vice president. They threatened to kill Nancy Pelosi. Now, be honest with me and tell me, what kind of Christians are these people? If you stand with Trump and do what Trump wants you to do, you can’t be a true Christian because Christians are people who loves Jesus. They love other people. They tried to help people, not hurt them. And if you guys keep staying with him and going against our democracy, you will pay in the end. Trust me, you will. You need to stop this and get these Republicans out of office.

Orbisonia — I filled up my oil tanks last January for $2.80 a gallon. Last Monday, I filled them up it was $4.10 a gallon. By Friday, it was $5.15 a gallon and kerosene was $8 a gallon. I don’t understand. Biden wants to talk about student loans and marijuana forgiveness, but he doesn’t want to talk about American middle class families. The only thing he wants to talk about is marijuana and student loan forgiveness. As far as I’m concerned, this Biden administration is just an all-out attack on middle class America and we need to all vote Republican in November and when we take back the House and the Senate. We need to have not one impeachment, but maybe two or three.

Huntingdon — You can see Biden told another big, bold face lie by saying he created 10 million jobs when most of those people already had jobs and were laid off because the pandemic.

Huntingdon — I have a question for all of you. What is it going to take to get Biden out of the White House? The Democrats knew how to get Trump out of the White House. They stole the election. The country was stable and in good shape when Trump was president. Now our country is headed for destruction. I ask God every day to help our country. Please pray.

Warriors Mark — The trial of Stewart Rhodes clearly involves Trump as the lead conspirator of the Jan. 6 insurrection, a clear violation of his oath as president. What more incriminating evidence do you need to prove the man is a criminal and should be treated as such? No more special privileges to buy time to create another loophole in the law to avoid prosecution. People were killed and injured as a result.

Huntingdon — Our country, right now, is at a critical point. We will lose our democracy if we put the Republicans in control. This means our Social Security benefits, our Medicare our health insurance and our right to vote will be all taken away from us. Plus many many other rights will be taking away. So you need to stand up and vote these Republicans out of office. They need out from the local state and federal positions. We can’t do it by ourselves, but together we can vote and get them out. So if you like your democracy, you need to get out there and you need vote and you need to get them out now.

Alexandria — I bet Gov. Wolf will release leftover COVID funds to state residents just before election time so everyone will vote Democrat. That’s how the Democrats are, they buy votes all the time. I think Josh Shapiro would make a poor governor.

Mill Creek — I’d sure like to wish somebody would soon do something with that street from Mill Creek to the railroad intersection. That is very bad.

Cass Twp. — Thank God for governors like Greg Abbott in Texas and Rhonda Sanders in Florida whose actions of transporting illegal immigrants to so-called sanctuary states like New York is showing the hypocrisy of the left who are now bawling like spoiled brats about receiving them. All the Democrats want is an out of sight and out of mind policy towards illegal immigration or a not-my-neighborhood attitude. Now they can get a taste of what border states deal with. And thanks to all of you in this area with Mastriano and Oz signs out. I have mine out front, too. Let’s roll, Republicans.

Alexandria — I don’t care Dr. Oz doesn’t live in Pennsylvania. He makes a more responsible choice for senator than John Fetterman. John Fetterman lived off his parents for over 40 years and didn’t pay taxes over 60 times. How responsible is that? In my book, not very responsible. I don’t think he would make a very good senator.

Huntingdon — You like communism? Vote Democratic.

Henderson Twp. — Why is it every time Biden does something like legalizing marijuana, Mitch McConnell calls it a power grab? He stole a Supreme Court nomination off of Obama and another one off Biden to stack the Supreme Court in their favor. Would that not be referred to as a power grab?

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